Another Random Blog...
So, I'll be trying out this blog thing for a while I think. I'll try not to have it just be a bunch of pastes from my Goodreads reviews...but that may well be what they start as. There are a million blogs about everything, but I figure this is as good a place as any to ramble on. :) Plus, I'd like to keep a record of all those review thoughts in another place other than Goodreads...
It has been a crazy start to the new year. New boss/partner, Harry Potter vacation, family member staying in the house for a while, work changes including a lot more traveling. All good things! Currently, my eclectic heart is beating to the rhythm of master Ed Sheeran, and all I want to do is abandon work responsibilities and write in that pesky thing I'll one day call a finished novel.
For anyone (anyone at all?) reading, if you didn't know, I've been writing a novel for most of my life. No, seriously. Since 13. But I guess it would be fair to say that I wrote a novel at 13 and that's now saved safely in my vault, while a completely new story bloomed from that original idea and is what I've been working on since 2009. One of my college associates said once that I'll never be a successful writer that way; that I'll need to master getting shit done and getting manuscripts to a publisher. Welllll...F that. It's not done, and I'm a perfectionist, and the characters will tell me when book one is complete. Granted, I was recently writing and realized that the parts I wanted to move to would be perfect for the I think that means I am actually writing the conclusion of book one now! Hooray! If next January rolls around and I'm not at least halfway through the editing process of this beast, I'll need to have a serious talk with myself about freaking personal deadlines. I'm great with deadlines on everything else - work, household renovations, freelance editing/design projects - but magically all of those things cram in before any time I would set aside for writing.
There comes a point, though, when the thoughts I need to get down for the book get too loud and they force me to stop EVERYTHING I'm doing, no matter what it is, and write them down. That happened two days ago when I walked into work. Sorry, marketing, you got put on hold.
All right, well, I suppose that's it for now. I'm a good rambler, once I get going, and that wasn't bad at all.