Hello! You've stumbled upon my personal website, where I hope you'll be entertained! I use this space for a few initiatives, predominantly to collect my thoughts on my most recent reads. This is also known as a book review blog, but I just had to be a little different, so head over to Thoughts to find all things books and fantasy!
I also happen to have several years' experience as a writer and editor, and get absolutely giddy over grammar. If you're a writer, you'll want to stop at Editing and see why hiring me as your freelance editor is a wise choice.
I'll be presumptuous and assume you are interested in learning a bit more about me, so here goes!
Currently serving as National Marketing Manager for a property management company in Westchester County, New York, I am always looking forward to my next creative project. Be it writing in my ever expanding novel or delving into arts of many mediums, my imagination never rests.
I love immersing myself in worlds fellow authors have created, and I devour books with a hunger that is never fully satiated. I am particularly drawn to epic and dark fantasy fiction, historical fantasy fiction and fairy tales. A lover of animals and the equestrian arts, I especially enjoy connecting with fellow animal advocates and equine enthusiasts.
Constantly editing anything and everything that comes across my path, the art of language never ceases to amaze me. One of my greatest pleasures is the connection between author and editor, and I love letting each project take me away into a new realm of excitement.
Rare moments when I am not reading, writing, creating, or editing are spent furthering my yoga practice, planning European vacations, snowboarding with my husband and tackling new remodeling projects in our home.
I'm quite active on social media and love making new acquaintances. Follow, comment, discuss, debate, or just chat with me on any of the below!
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