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2017 Favorite Reads

I had a reading goal of 50 books, and completed it (yay!) just on time. Part of the problem in getting there was morning sickness that threw me off of reading for a good two months. The other part was one disappointing read after another, leading to slump after slump. It turns out I was pretty hard to please in 2017, even with books I did enjoy. I read plenty of books that I had anticipated and really liked, such as A Court of Wings and Ruin, but as far as making it to favorite status only a few made the cut. 

Going into 2018 my reading goals have changed a bit - I mentioned it in my December wrap up that I'll be going for quality over quantity, and one way to help me be more selective is to set my reading goal for less. So I'll be aiming for only 25 books this year, and avoiding that hype-train in YA on which it is very easy to be swept away. To help, I've set myself the below rules:

  • Only buy ONE new book/release a month
  • Read one of the books I currently own a month
  • One audiobook a month

25 is technically only about 2 books a month, and already the list above has me reading more than that. But with little prince coming in April, and the books on my 2018 wait-list thinned out considerably (more selective!), I hope to be reading more of the towering stack I already own and be less sucked-in to the hype of new YA releases. And hopefully, I'll have a year full of new favorites by next Christmas.

So, on to the favorites of 2017!

The Bear And The Nightingale | Katherine Arden

This story is a magical step into a winter fairy-tale. The Russian inspiration was a breath of fresh air amidst all of the Arabian themes in the last couple years. Don't get me wrong, I'm still loving those Arabian themes, but it was one of those instances where I didn't realize I'd been craving something new and different until I had it in front of me.

Read my full review on Goodreads.

Hunted | Meagan Spooner

This book was such a surprise. Beauty and the Beast is my favorite fairy tale, and I've read countless retellings, many of which I've loved even though they followed every predictable path. I just love the tale, no matter the form.

Hunted did not follow the traditional mold, and the deeper I went into the forest the more I loved it.

Read my full review on Goodreads.

The City of Brass | S.A. Chakraborty

I am so glad another of my highly-anticipated reads for this year did not disappoint. I loved everything about this story, my heart pounded at all the right times, and I was wailing in impatient denial at the ending. I NEED the sequel, now.

Furyborn | Claire Legrand

Some books you just vibe with, and this one was 100% my cup of tea. Flawed characters you kind of hate/love, a story that connects across centuries, just the right amount of grim, and plenty of action. Also, this is a YA that read more on the adult side of the genre, which I tend to enjoy more (though I still have the pet peeve of certain content belonging in Adult fantasy).

Read my full review on Goodreads.

Virginia DeFeo