So you’ve written a novel…now what?
Whether you intend to self-publish or find an established agent and publisher, think seriously about having a professional editor polish your manuscript. Sure, you may be the world’s greatest writer, but being in such a close relationship with your work, you are bound to overlook the little details.
That’s where I come in! No matter what stage of the process—from extensive developmental and line editing to the final proofread—I can get your work ready for the next step.
Not sure what you need? I also do assessments, where I will get a feel for your writing style and provide discussional support, objective feedback or suggestions of which editing service is best suited to your needs. I specialize in fantasy fiction of all levels and age ranges. All editing services are available for novels, novellas, and short stories; I also provide copyediting and proofreading services for essays, articles, resumes and cover letters (students and entry-level graduates, that’s you!).
:: a s s e s s m e n t s & c r i t i q u e s ::
If you are still developing your manuscript, would like objective feedback, or are simply unsure what your manuscript needs at this time, an assessment is a good place to start. I’ll read through up to 50,000 words and provide feedback to either guide you in making your own revisions or suggest which of my editing services is best suited for you.
:: p r o o f r e a d i n g ::
You’ve been through it all. Revisions, painful cuts, unforeseen additions. You’ve read, reread, torn apart, and pieced your manuscript lovingly back together. The heavy editing is done; you just need a last set of eyes to find those pesky little errors that always seem to slip through. I’ll provide a final check for minor mistakes in spelling, punctuation, spacing, and capitalization.
:: c o p y e d i t i n g ::
The story is sound. You’ve gone through the line edits; trimmed excess fat, plugged any holes, and tied up loose ends. Consistency, structure, style; you have examined every angle. On to the technicalities publishers care deeply about that often go unnoticed. I will focus on correcting grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization and problems with syntax and clarity.
:: l i n e e d i t i n g ::
Cliffhanger. Tearjerker. The End. However your masterpiece ends, take a moment to feel proud. You finished. Now, time for a line-by-line inspection. I’ll check style, tone, and consistency in narration and plot, and provide creative suggestions if necessary. Sentences will be polished and/or reworded to improve clarity and flow, remove repetitive or clumsy wording, and correct convoluted structure.
:: d e v e l o p m e n t a l e d i t i n g ::
We're going to be close. Really close. I’m going to know your hopes, your dreams, your darkest secrets. Regarding your novel, anyway. For text needing aggressive line editing and/or extensive rewriting and potential ghostwriting, I will help develop your ideas and organize, sharpen, and tighten your manuscript to ensure characters and dialogue are believable, the plot is coherent, and the setting is appropriate.
Interested in a quote? Send me a message telling me a bit about your manuscript or work in progress!